Fred Hoffman

Fred Hoffman

Fred is the owner of Fitness Resources, an education, and consultancy company and is the author of Going Global: An Expert’s Guide to Working Abroad in the International Fitness Industry. He has been working in the wellness and health industry for over thirty years as a master trainer, program developer, and consultant. He is a member of the Board of Directors of the American Council on Exercise (ACE) and is an ambassador for UFIT.

Fred’s expertise and enthusiasm have taken him to more than 50 countries on six continents to speak at over 200 conferences, and to serve as a consultant on a variety of projects. He has authored numerous articles and has appeared in over 170 international publications and e-media. Fred is the recipient of the 2007 IDEA Fitness Instructor of the Year Award, and in 2001 he was elected to the International Who’s Who of Professionals.


What type of sports did you participate in as a kid?

The interesting thing is that when I was a kid, I only participated in sports that were required activities in physical education classes, such as basketball and baseball. Sports weren’t a passion of mine and I never participated in extra-curricular sports activities. Surprisingly, I ended up having a very successful career in the fitness industry. I actually think that it’s an important story to tell since there seems to be a pre-conceived idea that to become successful as an athlete or sports figure that you must have started young and that it was always a passion. I want to give hope to kids out there who may not be doing well in sports today in that they can persevere, get over obstacles and succeed! I never considered the possibility of being an athlete and I still don’t consider myself to be one in the true sense of the word. And that’s ok….we can’t all be athletes, but we can all be fit and healthy!


What injuries, if any, have you had to overcome as an athlete?

Two years ago, I had surgery on my right shoulder to repair three tendons, two of which had complete tears. This came as a result of overuse injuries compounded by a bike accident while on vacation. I’m right-handed and being that it was my right shoulder, I was unable to use that arm for almost two months. This was followed by approximately four months of physical therapy where I went from very limited use to full use.

Here in France, the medical system allowed me to stay in a rehab clinic immediately post-surgery for almost 7 weeks (yes, 7 weeks). It was very humbling to be dependent on others for simple tasks such as bathing, getting dressed, and cutting my food. Not to mention excruciating pain, sleepless nights and two daily physical therapy sessions during that time. All movement was passive for 4-5 weeks, and the physical therapy was very challenging.

One of my greatest lessons was to understand what it is like to be unable to do simple daily tasks, and also experience muscular atrophy and what it takes to regain lost strength and flexibility. Most importantly, I now have the utmost respect for physical and occupational therapists and the incredible work that they do! I’m happy to report that my shoulder is now in great shape and ‘back to normal’.


What does a typical week look like in terms of your workouts?

I work out almost every day at my local health club. The typical week includes 4-5 full-body strength training sessions and 5-6 cardio sessions. These also include some flexibility exercises. There are days when I do both, other days when I will just do either strength or cardio.


Do you have any tips for getting into the gym on the days that you just don’t feel like working out?

As for most people, there are those days when I don’t necessarily feel like working out. What I usually do in those cases is to remind myself of how good I feel after my workout and how satisfied I am. I also remind myself that a shorter workout is better than no workout and that whatever happens once I am at the gym is ok. Usually what takes place is that once I get there and start my workout, I get motivated and end up having a good session.

I also allow myself to skip a workout and to not feel guilty. One less day at the gym is not going to negatively affect my overall health. And oftentimes, when I actually skip a day, I find that I have a really good workout that next day resulting feeling good both physically and mentally.


What is your #1 fitness tip?

My number 1 fitness tip is to enjoy whatever your fitness activity is! If you don’t enjoy it, you won’t be successful. This rings true especially for people who are just starting out. They need to find something that they enjoy, is fun and which motivates them. And if you get bored with your workout, then it’s time to change and seek out something new or change up the routine!

Lastly, listen to your body… when you hurt or are tired, then it’s probably time to rest, recover and/or heal!


Want to connect with Fred and learn more? You can find him on various social platforms!



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